In Summer 2014, CEES was awarded a grant to
support an Intel(r) Parallel Computing Center (Intel(r) PCC), which seeks to
modernize key application codes in different areas of science and engineering.
In particular, the Intel(r) PCC at OU focuses on performance optimization of
the Advanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) model by taking advantage of the
architectures of Intel(r) Xeon processors and Intel(r) Xeon Phi(tm)
coprocessors. ADCIRC's development is
largely driven by real-world, time critical applications, such as developing
FEMA's flood inundation maps for the coastal areas of the U.S., designing New
Orleans' hurricane protection system for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and
producing real-time flood predictions due to tropical and extra-tropical storms
in the North Carolina region ( Image shows maximum water elevations from the real-time forecast system in the North Carolina region for Hurricane Irene. Hurricane location is denoted by the black hurricane symbol with the forecast track shown by the black line.